30 September 2015

Questionnaire Q9+10 Data and Analysis

This question asked the responders which horror film they hated the most. There were three responders who all said that Paranormal Activity is their most hated film. This tells me that cliched horror films and franchises with long drawn out sequels are arguably not as popular as I expected. The majority of the disliked films given are all ones with supernatural elements, even Saw slightly. This tells me that a supernatural element may not be the best choice for a modern audience.
This is the last question I asked. I asked how often they watch horror films out of Daily, weekly, monthly and other. I received no responses saying daily or weekly, with all the responses being either monthly or other. This is surprising to me as it tells me that horror films aren't watching among my audience that often, with four out of the seven responders only watching a horror film monthly. However, this means my film must stand out and be relevant and interesting enough to be that one horror film a month.

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