30 September 2015

Questionnaire Q7+8 Data and Analysis

This question asked what feature of a horror trailer would entice you to go and see the entire film. There is a big range of responses. Three out of the seven said that a gripping and interesting narrative would draw them to go and see the film. This may be due to the fact that many horror film narratives are cliched and there is a need for fresh and interesting horror narratives among audiences. Two of the seven responses agreed that Jump Scares within a trailer would make them go to see the film. This tells me that jump scares are important in bringing in an audience through my trailer. The remaining two responses said humour and mystery. There are parts of small humour in many horror films, but the Black comedy/horror genre is still pretty small.

This question was a very open question and asked the responders for their favourite horror film. I received 7 different unique responses. This question is helpful as it lets me know what type of horror people are interested in. There is a distinctive lack of older films(or classics) and only modern horrors have been named. However, there is an interest in more alternative films, such as Cabin in the woods and critically successful ones such as 28 days later. 

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